Annually there are more than 30 million potential users (in the US alone) who need to create and report funding application information.
- Lenders/Investors with limited time for evaluating new prospects are inundated with poorly structured loan presentations and need the ability to search for industry specific investments based on their own criteria and to instantly review that data online using the Funding Roadmap platform.
- With so many plans to review and so little time, fewer prospects are reviewed and great ideas fall through the cracks.
- The average entrepreneur doesn’t have the contacts and connections it takes to get the attention of the right investor groups. Our platform levels the playing field.
- Every funding source requires a business plan and financial statements at some point during the process and old-fashioned narrative based printed business plans and applications lead to gross inefficiencies, higher rates of failure and have never been the right medium for this kind of disclosure.
- Due diligence can take 3 months or longer in the average venture capital deal because too many entrepreneurs are uninformed and ill-prepared, which results in an excessive number of companies failing this process and wasting everyone’s time and money.
- Even though our society over the past 40 years has used the conventional business plan as the standard reporting system, no one has ever demonstrated its genuine efficacy and complaints have been expressed from both sides of the process to no avail until now.