With the widespread adoption of iPads and smart phones, we could see that business planning
needed an update too. So we reinvented the old fashioned business plan into the Funding
Roadmap- a cloud based virtual reporting system to help you launch or expand
your business and give investors and lenders everything they need (through
one seamless login) to make an informed decision and get you funded faster!
- Funding Roadmap helps you to easily organize and build your presentation in one central location.
- Collaborate with your partners anytime
from anywhere,
- Benchmark your steps so you never
miss any important ones.
- Keep it current for the changes you
make along the way.
- Make better decisions with our multiple
choice answers.
- Create SBA and GAAP compliant
financial statements with built in
calculations which economically guides
you through to an executable plan.
- Includes disaster proof protection with
online access.
- Tell your story with passion and
commitment using our video pitching platform.
- Includes our online marketplace to expand your access to a world of possible
investors and lenders.
- Far exceeds old fashioned business plans and templates and is a quick,
organized surefire way to apply for capital.